These instructions only apply to software versions that are using the new CimLM licensing system.
1) Obtain your Geomagic Essentials activation code, please submit the information first. You will get an email from Shining 3D with the license in 1~2 workdays.
2) Download and install the software from the EinScan website.
3) Start the application and the license manager will launch.
4) Click the Activation Tool button.

5) Enter the activation code that was provided in your order details email. Please follow the steps here if you previously were using a version of the software that used NGL and need to locate your 16-character code.

6) If the computer does not have access to the internet the message below will appear. Skip to the Offline Activation instructions.

7) Visit the Activation Page, follow the instruction to upload the generated 'RequestFile' or simply copy the file directory
8) Launch the Geomagic Essentials again, a message will appear confirming that the activation was successful.

9) You can get started with Geomagic Essentials Tutorials.