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EinScan SE/SP - Scan process in texture mode

This article wascreated with the software version EXScan S_v3.1.2.0. 

In this article we will scan the following object in texture mode. The texture scan allows us to scan parts with colours.

Create a new project

Scan settings

After creating a new project, we arranged the following settings. Brightness, Align Mode (Features), Turntable Steps (12), Turntable Speed (4) and Turntable Turns (one turn)

For more information about the scan settings, please visit the following article:

EinScan SE - Scan settings

Start to scan

First scan

When we set all the settings, we can now start our scan by clicking on the following button:

In the following video, we can see the process of the first scan: 

Second scan

Now, we will scan the object from another angle: 

Now, we can see in the following “Work” section, that we have 2 scan groups in our project. The scans that we did, are separated in this way. 

Align the scans

After that we have two scans from different angle, we will now align these scans by clicking on the following button: 

A new section will be opened, we will see our scan groups on the left.

For aligning these, we will drag and drop “Group1” and “Group2” on the “Fixed” and “Floated” areas. Then we must choose 3 pairs of common points between these 2 scans. After completing these steps, we click “Next”, then “Complete”.

You can see the whole alignment process on the following video: 

Optimize the data

After completing the scanning and the alignment, we must now optimize the scans by clicking on the following:

A new window will be open, click on “Apply” to complete the global optimization.

Mesh the scan

After aligning and optimizing our scans, we can now mesh our data by clicking on this button:

Two different options will appear: “Watertight Model” and “Unwatertight Model”. 

If you don’t know yet these terms, please read the following article:

"Watertight" and "Unwatertight" meshes

After selecting the “Watertight Model” option, the following window will appear, and we will have the option to choose how much details do we want in our meshed model:

After clicking on one of them, our data will be meshed.


Adjust texture

Once the meshing process in complete, we will have the option to adjust the texture by arranging the brightness and contrast. 

Show/Hide texture

By clicking on this button, you will be able to hide the texture and have a better view of your scan. 


You can also use the “Sharpen” feature to sharpen your mesh. 3 options are available: Low, Medium, and High. Sharpening can improve the clarity of your data.


The “Smooth” feature also provides you the same options:

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected] to request a further support.

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