1. What kind of markers do we have? How to choose the right markers for
your scanner?
- Non-reflective markers on white paper
- Reflective markers on plastic sheets
2. When markers alignment is suggested?
- the data accuracy matters
- the scanning object doesn't have rich geometric features or the surface geometry is in repeating patterns (symmetrical objects, cylinders, planes, etc)
object doesn't have rich geometric features
the surface geometry is in repeating patterns
3. How to use markers?
Stick the markers on/around the object you want to scan.
When you stick markers on the surface of the object, you need to follow
the following rules:
- Stick markers in a random, non-linear pattern.
- While scanning, make sure at least 4 markers in each frame can be taken.
- Control the number of markers seen on the camera view.
- Markers should be stuck on the flat surface area and keep the marker surface flat.
- Use the markers provided with the device only. Other markers can result in bad accuracy or not to be seen.
- Some cases like small objects, we suggest distributing the markers on a black surface around the object.