EinScan HX - Creating features and aligning the object to the coordinate system

This article is done with the Software version EinScan HX1.2.0.2

After you create the mesh from your scan you can create feature and align the object to the coordinate system.

It's also possible to load an old STL to the post process function to align it to the coordinate system.


Start the Post Process 


When the mesh is done you need to start the "Measurement" function. It's on the right side of the top bar. You can see the workflow bellow. 


Load an old STL


When you have STLs which are not already aligned to the coordinate system you can do it as well. Any STL can be load into software and been aligned. First start the  "Measurement" function as descript above. Then you click on the "folder" icon "Open File". A new window pops up. Please go to the location where the STL which you want to load is saved. Click on the STL and click on "open". You can see the workflow bellow. 




Create features 


In this function you can create points, lines & planes. On the right side (the fifth icon from the top) is the "Create Feature" function.  When you click on it a new windows pops up on the left side. You can see the workflow bellow.  



1. Create a point 


Now you can choose point, line, or plane feature by clicking on the icon. For point you have the options to create via "Select points" or "Line-Plane intersection". For Line-Plane intersection you need first these features. So, the easiest end fastest way is just to use the "Select points" function. Please choose it in the drop down menu and click with the left mouse button on the STL where you want to set the point. The select point is red firstly and still can be changed by clicking on another area. When you click on "Create" it's getting blue, and it feature is fix on the STL. You can see the workflow bellow. 



2. Create a line 


When you click on the "Line" icon in the middle you can create lines. Also here you have two option. One is "Point-Point" the other "Plane-Plane Intersection" intersection you need first these features. So, the easiest end fastest way is just to use the "Point - Point" function. Please choose it in the drop down menu.  When you click now with the left mouse button on the STL you can set two points. The line will be created between these two points. The selected points are red firstly and can still be changed by clicking on another area. When you click on "Create" the points are disappearing and the line is to see. You can see the workflow bellow.



3. Create a plane 

When you click on the "Plane" icon on the right side, you can create planes. Here you have three option to create a plane. One is "3 Points Fit", the other is "Point-Line Fit" and the last is via "Best Fit". For "3 Points Fit" function please choose it in the drop down menu and then just create 3 points on you STL while clicking on on the area you want to set the plane. The selected points are red firstly and can still be changed by clicking on another area. When you click on "Create" the points are disappearing and the plane is to see. You can see the workflow bellow. 



To create a plane via best fit, please choose the best fit method in the drop-down menu. Then you need to hold the "shift" button on the keyboard and select the area with the left mouse button. The selected area will be displaded in red. When you click on create the plane is created and to be seen on the STL. You can see the workflow bellow.



4. Delete feature

 In case you create a feature which you don't need in the end, you can delete it. The "Create Feature" function must be open for that. On the top you can see the "Feature List" tap. When you click on it you can delete the feature via the "Bin" icon. You can see the workflow bellow.


5. Close function 


When you have created all the feature you need you can close the function while clicking on the "Create Feature" icon on the right side. You can see the workflow bellow. 



Align the STL to the coordinate system


After you have created a point, a line and a plane, you can use it to align the STL to the coordinate system. To start the function, please click on the right side (the sixth icon from the top) is the function "Movement". A new window will open in the left corner. Please select "3-2-1 Movement". You can see the workflow below.   


Via the drop down menu you can choose the feature you created. By clicking on "Move" the STL will be aligned. For the line and the plane you can change the reference afterwards. The point you create and select is set to the origin of the coordinate system. If you press "Close" you will finish the function.  You can see the workflow below.  


If you have any question or problems please contact us via einscan_support@shining3d.com to get further help.





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